CS mailing list service

The Listserv is a filtering and security mechanism, which prevents unauthorized people from sending wide-spread mails to CS users.

See the mailing list table below.

You can find in the list the following information :

  1. Am I in the Allowed Senders list who are authorized to use this Mailing List?
  2. What is the list name, what is the list alias and who is the manager of this list.

How do I send mail to a list which I’m authorized to send mails to?

  1. Choose the proper list and send an email to the list alias (for instance – segel@cs). In a few seconds you’ll get an automatic response.
  2. In the mail response you get, you need to press on the text which is shown under the line – “To APPROVE the message:”.
  3. It might take a few minutes to the mail to get to a large list. You’ll get an additional mail which shows how many recipients this mail have.

Mailing Lists

Mailing Lists
List Name on LISTSERVAddressee (Recipient)Allowed SendersList ManagerNeed confirmationAllias on CS
cs-phd-lDoctoratesphd, msc, secretar, staff, segelLimor Gindin (limorg@cs)Yesphd@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-adjunct-lAdjunct Lecturers, Doctorates, Engineers Lecturerssecretar, staff, segel, teachersNoam Halfin (noam.h@cs)Yesadjunct@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-vmechina-lProfessorsvmechina,sigalSigal Zemach (sigal@cs)Yesvmechina@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-segel-lFaculty membersphd, msc, secretar, staff, segel, pro,academic-staff-lSigal Zemach (sigal@cs)Yessegel@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-segelact-lActive Faculty membersphd, msc, secretar, staff, segel, pro, academic-staff-lSigal Zemach (sigal@cs)Yessegelact@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-emeritus-lEmeritus Faculty membersphd, msc, secretar, staff, segel, pro, academic-staff-lSigal Zemach (sigal@cs)YesCS-EMERITUS-L@LISTSERV.TECHNION.AC.IL
cs-visitor-lGuests, Post-Docs.staff, dean, sigal head of adminSigal Zemach (sigal@cs)Yesvisitor@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-teachers-lFaculty members, Adjunctsecretar, staff, segelNoam Halfin (noam.h@cs)Yesteachers@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-milga-lMilgaeemsecretar, segel, MilgaLimor Gindin (limorg@cs)Yesmilga@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-msc-lMasterantsphd, msc, secretar, staff, segelLimor Gindin (limorg@cs)Yesmsc@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-coloq-lFaculty members, msc, phd, staff, teachers, ExternalsHadas, csdean, deanAnna Kleiner (akleiner@cs)Nocoloq-list@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-assist-lMsc, milga, phd, samba, eassistphd, msc, secretar, staff, teachersNoam Halfin (noam.h@cs)Yesassist@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-csausers-lStaff, Faculty members, adjunct, secretarstaff, segel, head of admin, dean secShirely Kruvi (shirley@cs)Yescsausers@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-secretar-lSecretaries, Librarians secretar, staff, segelShirley Kruvi (shirley@cs)Yessecretar@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-staff-lEngineers, Alex, DannySecretar, Staff, SegelShirley Kruvi (shirley@cs)Yesstaff@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-pro-lCentral computing staffpro, Ran, head of adminGennadi Zaidsher (genaz@cs)Nopro@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-employees-lAll employees.Secretar, Staff, SegelCS dean secretaryYesemployees@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-eresearch-lResearch assistantspro, yana, head of adminYana Katz (yana@cs)Yeseresearch@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-samba-lExcellent students who are TA'ssecretar, proNoam Halfin (noam.h@cs)Yessamba@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-ug-students-lUnder Grad students.secretar, proNoam Halfin (noam.h@cs)Yesug@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-eassists-lExternal Assistants, Engineers' Assistants secretar, proNoam Halfin (noam.h@cs)Yeseassists@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-csdusers-lAssistants, Visitors, eassists, eresearchpro, head of admin, dean secShirley Kruvi (shirley@cs)Yescsdusers@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-all-students-lcs studentssegel, dean, danny, eladSystem GroupNoall-students@cs.technion.ac.il
bioforum-lBioinformatics Group membersDan Gieger, StudentsDan Geiger (dang@cs)Yesbiofm@cs.technion.ac.il
all-cs-users-lall users in CSstaff, segel, dean sec, head of adminSystem GroupYesallcs@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-labeng-lCS-LABENG-L@LISTSERV.TECHNION.AC.ILstaff, Engineers Only.Yaron Honen yaronh@csYeslabeng@cs.technion.ac.il
csl-alumni-assaf-lcsl-alumni-assaf-lAll Alumnis from CSL GroupYefat Chen (ychen@cs)Yescsl-assaf@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-floor2-lAll floor 2 residents.secretar, staff, dean, csdean-secNitzan Katan (cs.officehead@cs)Yesfloor2@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-floor3-lAll floor 3 residenrtssecretar, staff, csdean-secNitzan Katan (cs.officehead@cs)Yesfloor3@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-floor4-lAll floor 4 residentssecretar, staff, csdean-secNitzan Katan (cs.officehead@cs)Yesfloor4@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-floor5-lAll floor 5 residents.secretar, staff, CsDean-SecNitzan Katan (cs.officehead@cs)Yesfloor5@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-floor6-lAll floor 6 residentssecretar, staff, csdean-secNitzan Katan (cs.officehead@cs)Yesfloor6@cs.technion.ac.il
cs-floor7-lAll floor 7 residentssecretar, staff, CsDean-SecNitzan Katan (cs.officehead@cs)Yesfloor7@cs.technion.ac.il
CS-JOBS-LFor Graduates job seeking and adssecretarNoa Mor (noamor@cs)Yesjobs@cs.technion.ac.il
CS-ADMINACT-LFor CS Active Administration membersAdmin membersDean (dean@cs)Yesadminact@cs.technion.ac.il
CS-ADMIN-PORESH-LFor CS Administration retired (Poresh) membersAdmin Poresh membersDean Sec (deansec@cs)Yesadporesh @cs.technion.ac.il